Jenn's Aquariums

Please forgive the lack of textual information with these pictures, but it is all I can do to keep up with the pictures!  I do have a hand-written journal that will make it into these pages some day, along with a planting layout with each group of pictures.  These pictures were gathered from my 75 gallon and 29 gallon aquariums.  The fish pictures are blurry at best, as they refused to hold still to get their pictures taken!  I have tried to include pictures of mistakes, along with success in order to show that it doesn't all magically happen.  On my list of things to do is to write up a bit of an explanation for each picture of a bad thing (algae, holes in leaves, poor growth, etc) in order to help others understand what goes into aquatic plant keeping and aquascaping.  Someday, someday...

My online version of my aquarium journal:

My equipment list:

Pictures by date:
Some pictures (the good ones) were taken with an Olympus D-500L camera, the others were taken with a Logitech Fotoman Pixtura.

First pictures of the 75G
January 28, 1999
March 11, 1999
March 13, 1999
March 17, 1999
March 31, 1999
April 4, 1999
April 8, 1999
April 10, 1999
April 20, 1999
April 25, 1999
May 9, 1999
May 15, 1999
May 27, 1999
June 21, 1999
July 7, 1999
July 23, 1999
July 29, 1999
August 19, 1999

Some quick pictures of the pride of my tank: the flowers!

Aponogeton ulvaceus flower:

Ruffled Sword Flower:

Dwarf Sagitarius Flower:

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